It's been a while since I've posted, so I feel that it would post 5 skins for your enjoyment on this spooky and sugar-ridden day: The "Liver, Fava Beans, and Nice Chianti" skin pack.If you have never heard the reference about eating a census taker's liver with fava beans and a nice chianti, please do the world a favor and slap yourself. Right. Now.Then go watch Silence of the Lambs. I swear to the gods, I still meet a ton of people who have never seen this movie, and I HATE MOVIES.Here are the skins:
Freddy Kreuger, sans hat, because MC does not yet support hats =(
Ghostface from the "Scream" series. Not too complicated, so in all honesty I really BS'ed this.
Hannibal Lecter from Silence of the Lambs. He is in his strait jacket and don't-eat-me mask.
Jason Voorhees! Someone once made a pixel rendering of Jason. I played a little trick and beside the title "Jason", I added "of the Argonauts".
Jigsaw's puppet "Billy" from the Saw series. I looked at a few pics of Jigsaw himself... with the number of pixels allowed for character creation, he would end up looking more like a normal dude than a scarred cancer patient.Here is the .zip containing all 5 .png's: a happy Halloween, Minecrafters! Remember to share your candy with me!... Please? =(
Playing Dungeons & Dragons 4.0 put me into the mood of making an avatar skin pack inspired from said-RPG.
The Elemental Skin Pack!
This pack contains elementals, both male and female, based on the following elements:
Dark Magic: death-colored skin, red eyes, plague-green hair
Earth Magic: Woodland-grass colored skin, ivory eyes, and laurel wreath in green hair
Fire Magic: White-hot eyes, ember-colored hair, and flame-colored skin
Holy Magic: Sun-golden hair, forgiving blue eyes, and angelic blue skin
Ice Magic: Frozen blue hair, ice-white eyes, cold crystal skin
Water Magic: Aqua hair, seafoam eyes, oceanic skin
Wind Magic: Storm-gray hair, cloud-white eyes, breezy gray skinFEMALE
Dark Magic: Seductress purple hair, scarlet eyes, gravestone skin
Earth Magic: Gaia green skin, budding green hair, marble eyes, and tropical flower accent in hair
Fire Magic: Infernal skin, burning hair, fire core eyes
Holy Magic: Pious gold hair, benevolent blue skin, heavenly blue eyes
Ice Magic: Frostbite skin, blizzard-white eyes, winter chill skin
Water Magic: Mermaid blue hair, Lagoon skin, Sea Pearl eyes
Wind Magic: Tornado gray hair, hurricane silver skin, zephyr pale eyesHere is the complete skin pack in .zip format, courtesy of Johnnyabc!
IMO, oredds has created the best dragon that will ever exist on Minecraft forever and ever. You can visit this epic creation by logging onto the current WoM map, typing /museum valley, and paying a visit to the builder area. You CAN'T miss it, it's that huge.If you do miss it, I will knife you in the face. =)
The sky darkens and flames erupt! Hapless victims run screaming and on fire... the dragon has come to destroy all!
Just to give you an idea of the scale of the dragon... that breath of fire is longer than my fucking portal tour.
The scale of this dragon is utterly massive, dwarfing the mage tower on the left side of the image, and also the hilltop fort at the middle bottom of the image. What is truly amazing is that the dragon is perfectly proportionate; the wings are large enough to carry the wyrm, but not so big that it looks like a bat. The body is of the correct size, and the head is slender and threatening.
Here is a close up of the dragon's head. You can see its glittering, golden eyes and its angrily flared nostrils. Fire erupts from its mouth, engulfing other details such as teeth and tongue. But really, at this point, I'm more worried about the fire!
This view is behind the dragon's head. The jaw here is well defined, and the well-crafted neck begins just under the jaw and behind the head. The way this is done shows that oredds has a good understanding of anatomy.
The back spikes are a detail that I have often seen missing in other dragons. The curved spikes slope down the powerfully arcing neck, over the strong back, and down to the tail. Here you can see the carefully modeled curves of the dragon's back.
The side profile of the dragon is powerful indeed. The general shape of the neck and torso indicate a lazy S, perfect for an aggressive pose.
Here is the underbelly of the dragon, its raking claws and massive hind legs. You can also see the dragon casting a massive shadow over the ground!
The long, whip-like tail of the dragon snakes across the ground, and ends with a spaded tip. The spikes have been carefully designed to grow smaller and smaller as they descend upon the tail.
By looking at the shadow, you can see how easily the tail of the dragon winds along. The shadow shows how the tail whips around, but hides its complex arcs and turns.
My favorite part: the enormous wings! You can see the "skeleton" of the wings peeking through the red membrane, just suggesting its form. Not extremely obvious, and that's the way it should be... suggestive, subtle.
The wings have been painstakingly crafted in neat, long rows of blocks.
This is an examination of the opposing wing. What I like is how oredds made the wings shapely; in the upper left area of the image, you can see the muscle pouring into the wing; they're not just fleshy membranes tacked onto the dragon's back, but a complex fusion of skeleton, membrane, and muscle, suggesting the genuine anatomy of how a dragon should appear.
This image gives you a better idea of the dragon's massive size... the beast is by far the largest damned thing on the map. Upon seeing the finished product, several WoM moderators and I spent 10 minutes shitting bricks.I feel these images do not do this utterly magnificent creation justice. If you can record a full study of this dragon, please do and post it somewhere so I can link to it =)In lesser news: My Portal tour!It was going to be a Portal maze, but Portal is rather linear, so it is a tour. =)
This tour is best explored without hacks because of the way I designed it.
The blue portals are water doorways, and the orange portals are lava doorways. This is the first room you start in. The concept I used in this tour is the same as the game; you walk into the blue portal and emerge from the orange portal...
... like so. =)
Unlike the game Portal by Valve, the puzzles in the tour are very simple. Below is a portal you can enter to appear...
... on the other side =).There are more rooms, but I will leave them for you to discover. Just visit the current WoM server, type /museum valley, and it's next to oredd's dragon's fire. You can't miss it. Leave me some feedback! =)Last but not least, Miclee designed a fitting texture complementing the new snow build map. Gone are the gritty, uniform cloth-style blocks. Miclee has redesigned the textures to appear softer, more forgiving, and in general, more fitting to the new map. You can download his texture by visiting this link:
The following build was made by Scoopade, epic winner of the WoM contest!
A villainous lair rests over a moat of lava...
... can the hero safely cross, and save the day?
If you're not careful, it's a long drop into a fiery doom!
Scoopade's dedication to detail in such a short time is uncanny. Here, lava floes drift lazily down the side of the craggy mountainside.
Lava plummets angrily from higher up, giving a more dramatic air to this wonderful build.
Across the rickety bridge is the entrance to the lair of the evil villain that terrorizes the land! ... actually, I have no idea if this was a villainous lair, I just made shit up lol =) Scoopade's creation was my favorite. Throughout the contest, I always came back to play around in the lava, on the bridge and the mountains, to see where the lava went. Scoopade worked very hard at this, but the rewards were great. Now he is $5 richer and OWNS THE MOON. O_OThis has been a long time in posting, but on WoM's "Canyon" map (go to WoM's main server and type /museum canyon to go to the map), I created a sprawling magic maze. I love mazes, but I get tired of seeing the same old 1-block wide narrow tunnel style of mazes. I wanted something fresh and new and gave this concept a stab: What if the maze were a labyrinth of strange rooms? What if the correct rooms had to be traversed in order to reach the end?Thus, I made the magic maze... magic because the lava-filled doorways prevented you from seeing the next room, and magic because each room was different and unusual. I will post a few rooms here, but not all of them! If you want, check it out for yourself. You do not have to complete it, because it's also fun just to explore! =)
This is the none-too-sutble entrance to the magic maze.
Which door leads to destiny?
A meadow-room, underground? What is the meaning of this?
The maze works its strange enchantments to turn an entire room upside-down!
A strange, night-time room with floating platforms to jump across!
So many doors down such a bizarre pit!!
A giant toilet?!There are many more rooms than are shown here, and even a well-hidden secret. Feel free to check it out, and have fun!